
  1. Find the names of suppliers
  2. Find the names and cities of parts
    p{pname, city};
  3. Find the cities of parts and suppliers
    p{city} union s{city}
  4. Find the renamed sn as s_num of sp

    sp rename (sn as s_num ,pn as p_num);
  5. Find the renamed sn as s_num and pn as p_num of sp

    sp rename (sn as s_num ,pn as p_num);
p{pn, pname} times s{sn, sname};
((p rename CITY as pcity) times s) where CITY = pcity;
(((s rename sn as sa){sa,city} join (s rename sn as sb){sb,city})where sa<sb){sa,sb};
((s{sn} minus (sp where pn="P2"){sn}) join s){sname};
((sp join s) where pn="P2"){sname};
((sp where pn="P2") join s){sname};
(s join (sp where pn="P2")){CITY,SNAME,sn,STATUS,pn};
(s times (j rename city as jcity))where city=jcity;
(((s times (j rename city as jcity))where city <> jcity){sn,jn})join spj{jn};
((s join j){sn,jn} join spj){pn};
(spj join (s where city="London"){sn}){pn} join p;
(p where WEIGHT>12){PNAME}union ((((sp join p)join s) where STATUS>20)join p){PNAME};
a:=RELATION {TUPLE{pn pn ("p1")}};
b:=RELATION {TUPLE{pn p ("p1")}};
a union b;
delete s where city="London";
p1 join p{pname,color};
p1 union p2;

(spj where qty<>200){qty};
p where city="london";
with (s rename sn as sa){sa,city} as t1,
  (s rename sn as sb){sb,city} as t2,
  t1 join t2 as t3,
  t3 where sa<sb as t4:
with s{sn} as t1,
  sp where pn="P1" as t2,
  t2 {sn} as t3,
  t1 minus t3 as t4,
  t4 join s as t5,
  t5{sname} as t6:
s semijoin (sp where pn="P2");
s semiminus (sp where pn="P2");
s{sn} divideby (sp where sn="s2"){pn} per sp{sn,pn};
((s{sn} divideby p{pn} per sp{sn,pn})join s){sname};
extend p add weight * 10 as gmwt;
(extend p add weight * 10 as GMWT) where COLOR="Red" ;
extend s add "suplier" as tag;
extend s add ("suplier" as tag , status*5 as jh);
extend (p join sp) add weight* 10 as shi;
(extend s add city as ccity){All but city};
extend s add count ((sp rename sn as x) )as np;
summarize sp per p{pn} add sum (QTY) as tq;
summarize (p join sp) per p{city} add sum(qty) as nsp;
summarize sp per s{sn} add count as np;
summarize sp per p{pn} add(sum(qty) as tq1,avg(qty) as tq2);
summarize s per s{city} add avg (status) as avg_status;
s{sn} divideby (p where color="Red"){pn} per sp{sn,pn};
((s{sn} divideby p{pn} per sp{sn,pn})join s){sname};